Gaming Articles

OTT Explains: What Is GOG Galaxy?
Boldly going where no platform has gone before
GOG, once known as Good Old Games, has been a game distribution platform since 2012. Comparable to sites like Fanatical and Green Man Gaming, GOG sells PC games through an […]

5 Best Sites To Play Cards Against Humanity Online for Free
A great way to insult strangers
Board games are a great way to spend time with friends, and Cards Against Humanity is an all-time classic. But if you’re home alone, why check out these five sites […]

The 7 Best Dreamcast Games of All Time
A strange, wonderful time in gaming history
It seems strange to think of a world where the gaming headlines were not dominated by Nintendo, Xbox, or PlayStation, but there was once a fourth contender: Sega. The Sega […]

How to Play Windows 95 Games on Windows 10
So you can scratch that nostalgia itch
While the first Windows operating system was released in 1985, the first Windows release to really break into the mainstream was Windows 95. Many of the Windows features you might […]

The 7 Best GameCube Games of All Time
Hard to find but worth it
Released in 2001, the GameCube followed the N64 and brought an impressive library of titles with it. It featured one of the best controller designs of all time (which is […]

The 7 Best SNES Games of All Time
Plus info on how to play them
Released in 1991, the Super Nintendo is widely considered to be the single greatest Nintendo console of all time. It set the standard for many games to come over the […]

OTT Explains: What Is Ray Tracing?
And how it makes graphics photorealistic
Ray tracing is an advanced form of computer graphics that simulates the way light works in real life. It can create computer graphics that look truly photorealistic. In the past, […]

How to Change Your PSN Name With or Without a Generator
Every method we could think of
In April 2019, Sony finally did something it was promising it would do for years – allow players to change their usernames on its PlayStation Network online service. PlayStation Network […]

The 9 Best NES Games Of All Time
How many of them have you played?
Released in 1986, the Nintendo Entertainment System—or NES, as it’s so often called today—was the best-selling video game console of its time. Although its simplistic graphics have gone from great […]

The 4 Best World of Warcraft Expansions
Find out which is the most controversial
World of Warcraft is the single most popular MMORPG that has ever existed, with more than 12 million active players at its peak. Although numbers have declined, there are still […]

The 8 Best Gameboy Games
They are still beloved even today
The Game Boy was Nintendo’s first entry into the Game Boy handheld lineup. First launched in 1989, the 8-bit system was weak by modern standards and featured a dot-matrix screen […]

The 5 Best Nintendo 64 Games
It wasn't an easy list to make
The Nintendo 64 represented a huge jump in graphics and processing power, moving from the 16-bit Super Nintendo to an entirely new platform. The PlayStation was its primary competitor alongside […]

The 12 Best Characters In Apex Legends
Which one do you want to play?
Struggling to choose the best characters in Apex Legends? You can use this guide to learn the abilities, playstyles, and ranking for each legend in the game. Think of this […]

The 5 Best Online Places To Find Commodore 64 ROM’s
Plus a warning about their legality
The Commodore 64 is remembered for beloved titles like Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders and Pirates! Released in 1982, the Commodore 64 is the highest-selling single computer model of […]

The 5 Top Nintendo Switch Games
This is especially helpful for new users
The Nintendo Switch console just had its third birthday at the time of writing and is still going strong. With nearly 50 million units sold, it is already more popular […]

How To Make a Minecraft Server
The only way to have the full experience
Minecraft is one of the globe’s most popular video games where you’re free to design entire worlds in pixelated voxel form. Not just a game but also a tool for […]

A Guide To The Angry Birds Games: Which Ones Are The Best?
More than just destroying egg-stealing pigs
Angry Birds has evolved from a simple but addictive mobile game into a worldwide phenomenon. Between movies, toys, and even car wraps all sporting those familiar, fury-driven birds, the franchise […]