Gaming Articles

How To Play Wii U Games On Your Windows PC
Plus, legal ways to do it
The Wii U games console has been discontinued since early 2017. But if you want to play this old Nintendo console on modern hardware, you can, thanks to the Cemu […]

How To Become An Xbox Insider
Free and full of early access, beta features
Do you want the very best features on Xbox earlier than everybody else? You can do this by becoming an Xbox Insider. This is Microsoft’s system to let passionate Xbox […]

How to Play Minecraft: A Beginner’s Guide
It's not like any game you've ever played before
Perhaps fitting for its 10 year anniversary, Minecraft has once again become the world’s most popular game. But for those coming to the game for the first time, you may […]

Biggest Differences Between Nintendo Switch Lite and Nintendo Switch
We discuss the things that really matter
We can probably all agree that the Nintendo Switch has turned out to be quite a big deal. Once again Nintendo have managed to create a console that is in […]

The Best Legal ROM Websites To Find Your Favorite Retro Games
Because piracy hurts the industry as a whole
As time and technology progress, it becomes increasingly more difficult to play older video games. Maybe your original console stopped working or you lost the cartridge in a move. In […]

How to Customize Gaming Visuals with NVIDIA’s Freestyle Game Filters
15 default filters, 38 different settings, unlimited possibilities
NVIDIA Freestyle is a new method for NVIDIA GPU owners to customize their gaming experience. Available on the GeForce Experience app for free, you can use Freestyle to add shaders, […]

What Are The Options For Gamers With Disabilities?
Where there's a will there's a way
Video games are a hobby enjoyed by millions of people from all walks of life. There’s a game out there for everyone, but not everyone who wants to participate in […]

4 Best Live Streaming Software for Gamers
We explore the differences and let you decide
Whether you’re a prospective pro Twitch streamer or just someone that likes to share your enthusiasm with the internet, the right type of software can make or break the experience. […]

What Is DLSS and Should You Use It In Games
Part of the next generation of Nvidia RTX cards
The march of technology is inexorable and nowhere is this more true than with graphics hardware. Every year cards get significantly faster and bring a whole new set of acronyms […]

3 Best Games For Your RTX Ray Tracing GPU
Wow your friends with their dazzling visuals
So you’ve bit the bullet and finally splurged on the latest, greatest RTX graphics card from Nvidia? This is the first consumer series of graphics cards that can do real-time […]

What Is Steam Broadcasting and How to Set It Up
Show off your favorite plays and coolest games
While it might seem like Twitch and YouTube are the only platforms worth streaming on, there are dozens of others that generate quite a bit of attention among their audiences. […]

What To Do When You Encounter A Bad_Module_Info Error
Don't fret, follow these simple steps
You’ve spent the better part of an hour waiting for your new game to download and install. Finally, the Play button is illuminated and you eagerly click your cursor to […]

The 7 Best Classic JRPGs Anyone Can Now Play On Mobile
Experience what others have loved for years
If you love role-playing games (RPG), especially digital ones, then there has never been a better time to be a fan. Mobile gamers in particular have a huge variety of […]

6 Tips To Manage Your Massive Gaming Backlog
Spend more time playing, less time agonizing
Is this the golden age of video games? From a consumer perspective that might not be too much of a stretch. Yes, this is the age of release day DLC, […]

7 3DS Games To Catch Before The Switch Lite Launches
One last go before you put it in the drawer
Nintendo is in a bit of a weird place with its current flagship console. The Nintendo Switch fused its home console and handheld console business into one, but the original […]

How To Quickly Unfollow a Game Channel On Nintendo Switch
Get rid of all the clutter
The Nintendo Switch “News” channel is a great tool for staying on top of the latest developments for your favorite games. If you open your Switch and select the News […]

The 5 Best Free Online Browser Games To Kill Hours Of Time
Great for when you need a quick mental vacation
When you just can’t stand to look at that project for another minute and you need a break, where do you turn? What do you do when you’ve got downtime […]